
Est. Since 2003


Maratha Vidya Prasark Samaj's

Karmayogi Dulaji Sitaram Patil College of Agriculture, Nashik

( Affiliated to Mahatma Phule Agriculture University, Rahuri )

मराठा विद्या प्रसारक समाजाचे

कर्मयोगी दुलाजी सिताराम पाटील कृषी महाविद्यालय, नाशिक

( महात्मा फुले कृषी विद्यापीठ, राहुरी संलग्न )

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Karmayogi Dulaji Sitaram Patil College of Agriculture, Nashik

( Affiliated to Mahatma Phule Agriculture University, Rahuri)

Department of Agricultural Extension



Agricultural extension is the application of scientific research and new knowledge to agricultural practices through farmer education. It is a branch of Extension Education which deals with social & economical aspects of the people who are directly or indirectly depends on Agriculture. The field of ‘extension’ now encompasses a wider range of communication and learning activities organized for rural people by educators from different disciplines, including agriculture, agricultural marketing, health, and business studies.
This discipline acts as a bridge between scientists and farmers to ensure a continuous transmission of agricultural technology to the farmers and on the other hand address the problems of farmers to the scientists.
Agricultural extension viewed as an educational programme to be undertaken by public agencies to activate the process of transferring agriculture knowledge, science & technology from laboratories to farmers and to help them in farm planning, decision making, use of inputs, storage, processing, marketing, increase their production, improve their occupation, family, & community life. From government perspectives, whatever priority is given to production, extension will remain a key policy tool for promoting ecologically and socially sustainable farming practices.




Our Staff
Sr. No. Photo Name Of Staff Designation Qualification
1 Prof. S. B. Satpute Asst.Prof. M.Sc. (Agri.)
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